Latest News Blackstone & WEF's Genetic Grab Of Your DNA

Does Blackstone's purchase of, with millions of digital records of people's DNA have the ability to be connected to the agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes.

How Should Christians Respond To A Watered-Down GOP Platform?

Now that Americans have had a chance to digest the political earthquakes of the last week and a half, a lot of conservatives are circling back to a major disappointment that, like most news, faded to the background when Donald Trump was shot: a radically-rewritten GOP platform that leaves decades of pro-life and pro-family values behind.

Will The Red-Green Alliance Take Over The Democratic National Convention?

With the Red-Green Alliance between progressive leftists and Muslim antisemites, the Democratic Party now contains a large and powerful faction that is not just antisemitic but predicated on antisemitism. The question is not if but when the Alliance will make its bid to conquer and colonize the entire party.

Biden Gives Another $100 Million To Palestinians Despite Terrible Track Record

What did the Biden administration threaten Hamas with? Anything? Or just a reward for intransigence of $100 million more dollars from American taxpayers? The claim is that the money is being given to aid agencies to distribute to Palestinians in Gaza -- but Hamas controls the distribution networks.

Potential Harris Presidency Could Turn The Screws On Israel

Vice President Kamala Harris, now the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, will likely continue Biden's foreign policy on most issues, but might diverge when it comes to Israel, NBC News reported on Monday.

Progressive Church Looks To Make LGBTQ Affirmation Mandatory For Clergy

How has it come to this in the church? A major American denomination could soon make "affirming" LGBTQ ideology mandatory for clergy.

More Americans Worry About Paying Bills Than During the Great Recession

Do you remember how painful the Great Recession was in 2008? The years immediately following were definitely a very dark chapter in our history, but a new study has actually found that the percentage of Americans that worry they won't be able to pay their bills is actually higher today than it was back then.

Hezbollah And Israel Approach The Breaking Point

With eyes otherwise on Gaza, this simmering conflict has been largely overlooked, but now the world must brace itself for a direct and fierce war between Hezbollah and Israel.

Other News

July 22, 2024Who Will Kamala Harris Pick As Her Running Mate?

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July 22, 2024The Leftist Media And The Plot To Demonize Christian Political Engagement

Many in our society are trying to push Christianity out of the public square in order to protect the new religion which has been established in Western nations: a religion based on secular humanism. ...

July 22, 2024Switzerland’s New Suicide Pod Is Not The 'Solution’ To Our Troubles

Society, it often seems, craves complete subjectivity, the death of truth itself. And yet, death has another sly sickle swinging in the lives of vulnerable people, and it goes by the name of euthanasia -- the death of hope....

July 22, 2024The Long Arm Of Israel - Strike On Houthis A Warning To Iran

Israeli Air Force 'Operation Long Arm' against the Houthis has sent a clear message to Iran: If the air force can attack the port of Hodeidah in Yemen, at a range of 1,700 km, it can certainly attack targets in Tehran, at a range of 1,500 km. ...

July 19, 2024The Left Has Been Spreading Wild Conspiracy Theories About Trump Shooting

Ever since the moment that Donald Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, the left has been pushing wild conspiracy theories all over the Internet. Unfortunately for the left, their conspiracy theories are so ridiculous that most rational people immediately see right through them. ...

July 19, 2024Xi Jinping And China: Running Out Of Time, Ready To Strike

Xi is engaged in the fastest military buildup since the Second World War. In addition, he is purging military officers opposed to war, trying to sanction-proof his regime, stockpiling grain and other commodities, surveying the U.S. for nuclear weapons strikes, and mobilizing civilians for war....

July 19, 2024The Anti-Christian Bigotry Of The Canadian Elites

The last remaining acceptable bigotry in Canada is anti-Christian bigotry. It is not news that Christian institutions generally adhere to a Biblical view of sexuality, for example, but Canada's state broadcaster and major newspapers treat us to an endless stream of breathless coverage reminding us of the fact....

July 19, 2024For Many Palestinians, The 'Day After' Should Look Just Like The 'Day Before'

There is virtually no debate among the Palestinians about the "day after" in the Gaza Strip, even though some in Israel and the United States appear to be obsessed with the idea. This is due to the widespread Palestinian belief that Hamas will somehow maintain its hold on power in the Gaza Strip after the war....

July 17, 2024Why Japan Selling Off US Dollars Is Major Threat To The US Economy

Japan is on the verge of a fire sale of hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. debt that could crash Treasury markets already teetering on the edge....

July 17, 2024The Response Of Gen Z To The Attempted Trump Assassination

What happened Saturday was more than just a shocking and spontaneous event. Rather, it was a changing of the tides, a shift in the sand. Gen Z not only witnessed the near-death of a former president, but they seem determined to be involved in the debate of what it means for America....